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Once again the season of goodwill is upon us.
As always Smokie members will relax at home before heading off to Lithuania for shows on the 29th, 30th and of course New Years Eve.

Mike, Martin, Terry, Mick and Steve, send best wishes to Smokie fans and friends far and wide and offer our compliments of the season.

We shall see you in 2020!


Another successful tour "Down Under" completed!

And what a great tour it was. The whole tour was sold out except for one show. All in all a major achievement and a feat the guys were absolutely delighted with.

Preparation and commitment is key to touring Australia, bearing in mind that the band are self-promotors in this territory.

A big thanks must go to everyone involved in this tour. Management, crew, venue managers,local crew and everyone who helped somewhere along the way to help things move along smooth as clockwork.

Band members will now enjoy their time off over the Christmas period before heading to Lithuania for the New Year Arena Shows.

Thank you Australia, you were awesome; and for that reason Smokie members have taken a decision to commit to return to Australia in a couple of years time.



It is with an immense amount of sadness that we have to announce the passing of Greta Deberitz.

Greta was one of Smokie's long standing and dedicated fans who for many years organised and ran the Smokie Fanclub from Norway.

We recognize that Greta brought many fans together, not just in Norway but from many countries around the world and kept them informed of news a long time before the internet came along.

We know that Greta will be sadly missed by Smokie fans far and wide.

Smokie band members would like to send our deepest condolences to the Deberitz Family.

RIP Greta.


Last night in Melbourne there was a most emotional reunion for Smokie, when we found out that original lead guitarist Alan Silson was in the audience.

We made sure that we got Alan backstage after the show.
A few laughs and a few tears as you'd expect, but we were all delighted to see Alan.

We are well aware that past members are always in the thoughts of our loyal fans and this is one post that we are so happy to share with you all.

One thing that we have vowed to do, is stay in touch with Alan, he informs us that he is still playing guitar and he was in great spirits!


Today, Smokie play The Metro in Sydney.
The tour so far has been a great success and when the band land in Melbourne tomorrow they'll be halfway through their Australian tour dates.

The "Stand Out" gig so far according to band members would have to be the stand up show at "The Tivoli" in sunny Brisbane, a city all band members seem to show  a great fondness for!

Those of you who have a Facebook account, please follow the Smokie page as well as the Mick McConnell page for some tour updates and some personal photos!

Next stop for the guys is Melbourne! 


Tickets are selling fast for our upcoming dates in October folks!.

The Speigeltent Festival in Wexford is now "Sold Out


Once again Smokie are proud to announce that our show at the Cork Opera House is "Sold Out"

A handful of tickets remain for both Gorey and the INEC in Killarney.

Once again we thank our fans in Ireland for your continued and very much appreciated support!


Smokie joined the "Legends Live Tour" half way through due to prior commitments, but boy did they make an impact!

Mike, Terry, Mick, Steve and Martin would like to thank all those music fans who came to see a night of 70's music, but made Smokie feel so welcome.

Hopefully one of these tours will come round again and when it does, Smokie will be ready and waiting!



23RD MARCH 1995


Attention Australia!!!!!!
We can finally announce our dates for our Australian Tour 2019!
As always, we remind fans to use reputable ticket outlets, get in early for those best seats!!
We have also confirmed a major festival on this Tour but we shall wait until the festival makes their official announcement and final artist line up!
November 2019

Tour Dates

Keep up to date about where Smokie are playing.

You don't want to miss them!

Nostalgia at its best.
A 5 star show.

Belfast Telegraph

50 Years of Smokie

A Golden Jubilee of Music and Memories.