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Just a quick update on the upcoming Irish Tour Dates.

The gig in Wexford at the Speigeltent, is "Sold Out"

Tickets for Killarney and Castlebar are still available.
However; tickets for the Cork Opera House are limited!

Smokie Fans will get to see Pete for the first time in Ireland with the band. 
So make sure to give him a warm Irish welcome!



We felt it only right that we share some great photos from Reykjavik, Iceland.

Meet the new line up of Smokie!

"Not" the Blue Lagoon

Pete and Mick strutting their stuff!

Terry happy to be back!


Martin clearly enjoying his gig!



Steve laying it down.

Last Saturday

Smokie played their first concert since March 2020!

“Back in Business” may well be and overstatement at the moment, because like everyone else in the music industry we have to wait and see, how things go.
Having said that reports of the show were plentiful and social media gave those who weren’t there, some kind of idea, of the excitement that happened in Iceland.

The trip to Reykjavik, didn’t go too smoothly to start with, when some of the band’s equipment was subject to a security scare. The band were whisked from the lounge back to check-in to identify some pieces, so they could be loaded. It looked at one point that some of the band members might even miss their flight!
(They never make it easy for themselves)

On arrival into Iceland the band were Covid compliant and took arrival and departure tests in order to travel back home on the Sunday. Apparently, some members didn’t enjoy how far the bud went up their noses!

Bright and early on Saturday morning, some of the guys went to the local lagoon for some relaxation in the volcanic thermal waters of Reykjavik, which apparently was a great deal of fun.

 When the band finally got to do their soundcheck on Saturday afternoon, Pete had some problems with his main acoustic, which really made life difficult for him. He sat waiting to see if his acoustic could be fixed and thankfully guitar tech Steve came up trumps and Pete could use his favourite acoustic guitar on his first gig with Smokie.

It was “sold out” a full house!

Smokie entered the stage to rapturous noise from the Icelandic audience and whilst there were a few nerves, the guys got down to business and gave the audience exactly what they came for.

The set consisted of the usual hits and a few change arounds of the setlist.
De ...

Finally, after almost 20 months. Smokie are delighted to announce that our Show in Iceland this coming weekend will go ahead.

The guys are currently in rehearsals in order to present a new show.
They will take all the necessary steps to of course to be Covid compliant during travel and during their time in Iceland.

Needless to say, the guys are delighted to be reunited once again, doing what they do best.

Other shows are planned in Ireland and in Sweden, but Smokie fans will be kept well informed and know the status of these shows well in advance.


Smokie would like to welcome Pete Lincoln into the Smokie family.

Pete has been a long-time friend of the band over many years.

Both Smokie and Pete have often been on the same bill and shared many a stage, so he knows Smokie very well and vice versa.

Pete comes with a wealth of experience and has an extensive personal musical CV.
Over the years, he has worked as a backing singer with Cliff Richard, he has fronted Sailor and as most folks will know, Pete was lead singer with glam rockers “The Sweet”

In recent years he has been quite busy with his project “The Frontm3n” as well as being a solo artist releasing his own albums.

Pete is an excellent and versatile musician, both on electric and acoustic guitar. He is also an accomplished songwriter; attributes that were paramount when we set about looking for a replacement for Mike Craft.

We are well aware that change is sometimes hard for fans to swallow, but we sincerely hope that Smokie fans worldwide, will welcome Pete on board and give him the support that you have always shown in the past.

 Pete will join Smokie in rehearsals as soon as Covid restrictions are lifted.

Smokie fans will be pleased to know that we will once again, be ready to hit the road and bring you the energetic show that you are used to seeing and expect.

Please support Pete and give him the encouragement that he deserves in taking on the task of fronting Smokie.
We also know that fans will want to meet and speak to Pete when we finally get back on tour.
He is one of life’s nice guys and very approachable.
We are delighted and excited to have him on board!


To Smokie fans far and wide.

We are saddened to announce that Mike Craft has decided to leave Smokie.

Mike has been with the band 26 years, having joined in 1995 after the tragic death of Alan Barton.
Mike had a huge pair of boots to fill at the time, and he did that job admirably.

His contribution to the legacy of Smokie will be written in history and deservedly so.
Mike is widely recognised by many as an extremely professional artist.
His dedication to the band was never in question and Mike was incredibly popular amongst Smokie fans far and wide.
Mike could also be incredibly witty and he gave us many a laugh, on so many occasions.

Mike made a name for himself on his debut album with the band, “The World And Elsewhere”
In many ways, it is recognised that Mike injected a new energy into Smokie, especially with his energetic live performance and his gift of talking to any type of audience.

Mike made an incredible contribution to a further 7 studio albums as well as various compilations and live DVD’s.

 As a band, we tried to encourage Mike to stay on board, but Mike felt the time was the right to step aside; and we quite rightly, respect the difficult decision Mike has taken.

Terry, Mick, Martin and Steve

Wish Mike the best of luck for the future.

We sincerely hope he enjoys his retirement with his wife Julie.


Smokie will of course continue and we will update you after the weekend.


We always remember Alan Barton, this time of year
Alan was a huge part of the Smokie family as well as the band's history and will always be sadly missed, by band members and fans alike.

RIP Alan, never forgotten.


Tour Dates

Keep up to date about where Smokie are playing.

You don't want to miss them!

Nostalgia at its best.
A 5 star show.

Belfast Telegraph

50 Years of Smokie

A Golden Jubilee of Music and Memories.