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Attention Australia!!!!!!
We can finally announce our dates for our Australian Tour 2019!
As always, we remind fans to use reputable ticket outlets, get in early for those best seats!!
We have also confirmed a major festival on this Tour but we shall wait until the festival makes their official announcement and final artist line up!
November 2019
Tue 12 Australia, Cairns, Civic Theatre
Thu 14 Australia, Rockhampton Pilbeam Theatre
Sat 16 Australia, Brisbane Tivoli Theatre
Sun 17 Australia, Towoomba, Empire Theatre
Tue 19 Australia, Sydney, The Factory
Wed 20 Australia Melbourne, Crown Casino
Sat 23 Tasmania, Launceston, Princess Theatre
Sun 24 Tasmania, Hobart Wrestpoint Casino
Tue 26 Australia Alice springs Araluen Centre
Thu 28 Australia, WA, Kalgoorlie, Goldfileds Theatre
Fri 29 Australia, WA, Bunbury, Entertainment Centre
Sat 30 Australia, WA, Perth. Regal Theatre

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Tour Dates

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You don't want to miss them!

Nostalgia at its best.
A 5 star show.

Belfast Telegraph

50 Years of Smokie

A Golden Jubilee of Music and Memories.