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To Smokie fans far and wide.

We are saddened to announce that Mike Craft has decided to leave Smokie.

Mike has been with the band 26 years, having joined in 1995 after the tragic death of Alan Barton.
Mike had a huge pair of boots to fill at the time, and he did that job admirably.

His contribution to the legacy of Smokie will be written in history and deservedly so.
Mike is widely recognised by many as an extremely professional artist.
His dedication to the band was never in question and Mike was incredibly popular amongst Smokie fans far and wide.
Mike could also be incredibly witty and he gave us many a laugh, on so many occasions.

Mike made a name for himself on his debut album with the band, “The World And Elsewhere”
In many ways, it is recognised that Mike injected a new energy into Smokie, especially with his energetic live performance and his gift of talking to any type of audience.

Mike made an incredible contribution to a further 7 studio albums as well as various compilations and live DVD’s.

 As a band, we tried to encourage Mike to stay on board, but Mike felt the time was the right to step aside; and we quite rightly, respect the difficult decision Mike has taken.

Terry, Mick, Martin and Steve

Wish Mike the best of luck for the future.

We sincerely hope he enjoys his retirement with his wife Julie.


Smokie will of course continue and we will update you after the weekend.


We always remember Alan Barton, this time of year
Alan was a huge part of the Smokie family as well as the band's history and will always be sadly missed, by band members and fans alike.

RIP Alan, never forgotten.


Mike, Terry, Mick, Steve and Martin

Would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy Christmas!

These are strange times and we know that we are all effected by the pandemic that has taken it's toll on our lives.

We wish you well and hope that we can play for you in 2021.

Love to all our fans worldwide!


We are living in strange times folks!

Just to give a quick update at a point when Smokie would have been on their travels playing around Europe and flying from one festival to another.

Sadly; due to the "Covid" crisis, like other bands and musicians, Smokie find themselves unable to work and therefore tour dates at this present time are failing to go ahead.

As soon as there are any changes to the current situation we shall let you know.

Mike, Terry, Mick, Steve and Martin wish all Smokie fans well and hope that you stay safe!


Today Smokie remember Alan Barton


As most people are aware the music business is really feeling the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Smokie have now had conformation that our short tour of South Africa has also been cancelled.
Very sad, but as we've said before, this is way beyond our control.

Lefra is currently in discussion with our  management and the venues to find suitable dates later this year for the concerts to continue. The new dates will be announced as soon as they can Tickets holders may transfer their tickets to the new dates without having to get a refund and rebook their tickets.  Patrons that already booked tickets are requested to hold on to their tickets until the new dates are announced where after tickets can just be transferred to the new date(s).



Due to the ongoing Coronavirus situation, Smokie sadly have to announce that ALL our shows in Sweden have been cancelled.

It is also the case that our Danish Tour will also likely be cancelled due to the precautions, that the Danish government have put in place.

Our Shows in South Africa will still go ahead and those dates are “NOT” affected!

Yesterday when the W.H.O made the announcement that the Coronavirus had reached a pandemic situation, we fully expected that our touring could be put in serious jeopardy.
After our show in Stockholm last night, we were in fact informed, that we would be going home and the reality of the situation has, as you would expect, had an impact on our live touring dates.

We will try to keep you informed of any changes that may take place and any information that we have, both here on our website and on our Facebook page.

Smokie and our management will of course work with promotors to re-schedule some shows where possible, but it is far too early to even consider, when these may take place or be rescheduled?

Mike, Terry, Mick, Martin and Steve would like to thank all Smokie fans who have purchased tickets for upcoming shows despite the Coronavirus situation being present. We also suggest that you try to obtain your refunds through the normal channels.

For now, all we can say is a big thank you for your understanding, and hopefully we shall see you very soon!



Once again the season of goodwill is upon us.
As always Smokie members will relax at home before heading off to Lithuania for shows on the 29th, 30th and of course New Years Eve.

Mike, Martin, Terry, Mick and Steve, send best wishes to Smokie fans and friends far and wide and offer our compliments of the season.

We shall see you in 2020!


Another successful tour "Down Under" completed!

And what a great tour it was. The whole tour was sold out except for one show. All in all a major achievement and a feat the guys were absolutely delighted with.

Preparation and commitment is key to touring Australia, bearing in mind that the band are self-promotors in this territory.

A big thanks must go to everyone involved in this tour. Management, crew, venue managers,local crew and everyone who helped somewhere along the way to help things move along smooth as clockwork.

Band members will now enjoy their time off over the Christmas period before heading to Lithuania for the New Year Arena Shows.

Thank you Australia, you were awesome; and for that reason Smokie members have taken a decision to commit to return to Australia in a couple of years time.



It is with an immense amount of sadness that we have to announce the passing of Greta Deberitz.

Greta was one of Smokie's long standing and dedicated fans who for many years organised and ran the Smokie Fanclub from Norway.

We recognize that Greta brought many fans together, not just in Norway but from many countries around the world and kept them informed of news a long time before the internet came along.

We know that Greta will be sadly missed by Smokie fans far and wide.

Smokie band members would like to send our deepest condolences to the Deberitz Family.

RIP Greta.


Tour Dates

Keep up to date about where Smokie are playing.

You don't want to miss them!

Nostalgia at its best.
A 5 star show.

Belfast Telegraph

50 Years of Smokie

A Golden Jubilee of Music and Memories.